Weekly Services in The Chase Team
All Welcome!

Please click here for our latest Weekly Mailing which includes details of the services and other events this week.

Usual Service Pattern:


          11am Thursday Midweek service at St Andrew’s          


          9am Early Bird Service for young families (1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays) in the St Andrew’s Church hall

10am All Saints Service. The service is also live streamed on our YouTube channel.

10am St Mary’s Service. Our St Mary’s services are at 10am followed by refreshments, everyone is welcome to join us! Our pattern is: Holy Communion (1st and 3rd Sundays) Café style Worship for all (2nd Sunday); Morning Worship (4th Sunday) and Cafe church (5th Sunday).

10:30am Contemporary Service at St Andrew’s. With children and younger youth (11-14) groups. This service is also live streamed on our YouTube channel and afterwards put on our website here.

6pm ‘The Six’ at St Andrew’s. An informal, interactive service of worship, Word and ministry with older youth CHAOS (14-18s) meeting in the church hall at the same time.

We are continuing to produce online services for those who aren’t able to come along in person.  You can find these on our YouTube Channel by clicking here 

Further details of our Services:

Weekly Services

 9am-9:30am Early Bird Service

at St Andrew’s in the Church Hall, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month

A special 30 minute service aimed at children under 7 and their families. We have a story, a craft, some singing with actions and creative prayers. Click here to find out more about our Early Birds Service or contact helena@chaseteam.org for more details.

10am – 11am at All Saints (live-streamed)

Our All Saints Sunday service with a blend of traditional hymns, contemporary songs, liturgy, sermon, prayers and Holy Communion.

We are always ready to welcome children to this service and there is a special toddler corner for little ones who are very welcome to come and bring their parents with them! We normally have around 40 attend this service, which is also live-streamed on our youtube channel here.

10:30am -11:45am at St Andrew’s (live-streamed)

An intergenerational, contemporary act of worship that celebrates the transforming presence of God and equips people to flourish in the whole of life.

Age appropriate children’s groups for 0-10’s and 11-14’s run alongside this service. We share communion at this service once a month.

The 10:30 is live-streamed on YouTube channel here and available to watch later too.

6pm – 7:15pm The Six at St Andrew’s (Coffee from 5:45pm)

A smaller and more informal contemporary service which normally involves an extended time of worship, a time for testimonies and sharing, and talk with a chance to respond and receive prayer ministry. We share communion too once a month. Alongside this service the older youth group (14-18) will meet in the church hall. We normally have around 30-50 attending this service.

11am-12noon Midweek Thursday Service at St Andrew’s 

Our quieter, more reflective midweek service which has a blend of traditional hymns and more modern songs with Holy Communion most weeks. We normally have around 25 -30 attending this service. We are hoping to soon start a montly soup lunch after this service. 

Monthly Services:

Messy Church – 3:45pm (for a 4pm start) -5pm 3rd Thursday of each month at All Saints 

Our very special Messy Church for families of primary children. We have a welcome, a Bible story, crafts, singing, a creative prayer time and lots of fun. We finish with a hot-dog tea together. No need to book – just turn up! For more deatils email Helen at helena@chaseteam.org.

You can find our more details and see a video of our Messy Church here.

The Waiting Room – 7-8pm 3rd Wednesdays of the month at All Saints

An hour of quietness and stillness to dwell in the presence of God. More details here


Our Online Services:

We have two regular online services available each week on our YouTube Channel:

  • The live-stream of the 10:30 St Andrew’s Sunday morning contemporary Service, (which you can watch anytime afterwards too). You can find this here.
  • The live-stream of our 10:00 All Saints service (which you can watch anytime afterwards too). You can find this here.