Posts from 2020 (Page 2)

Week of Guided prayer

A Week of Guided Prayer 25th – 29th May A week of guided prayer provides a special opportunity to come aside for a while from your daily routine, to focus on your individual walk with God. You will be given a prayer guide who you will meet on line for approximately 45 minutes each day…

Christian Aid Week 2020!

A message from Carolyn our Christian Aid Rep at St Andrew’s: Christian Aid Week 2020 starts on Sunday. Usually, there are teams of collectors across the country delivering envelopes and knocking on doors, not to mention fund-raising events. Last year, the St Andrew’s team raised over £1,800 from collecting in the parish and £8million was…

Faith at Home

The Church of England has launched a new programme to make prayer a household habit once again.  #FaithAtHome will feature weekly video content to help families to talk about faith and pray together. The videos will be led by children, young people, staff and school leaders from across the country. Over the next three months, #FaithAtHome will…

‘Boredom Bags’ & serving the community!

Listen to Alice and Helen share an idea to bless our community in this time of Coronavirus. We’d love you to help with the ‘Boredom Bag’ project   Join us in making these bags, full of things to do, to help combat boredom during lockdown and to share God’s hope and peace with children and…

Help at the Octagon in the Coronavirus crisis

A message from Sarah McCarten-Williams and the team at the Octagon. I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who’s offered help to the Octagon and who’ve given money to us. If you want to find out how you can give via #FEEDMALVERN2020 then click here We’re really getting established in this new…

Beacon of Light

In these difficult times, the illuminated cross on St Andrew’s Church offers us all a beacon of light and hope. Fortunately we were able to safely install the cross (in place of the star) on the afternoon of the 23rd March 2020, just before the Prime Minister introduced additional restrictions on movement. Since then the…