St Andrew’s new hall floor

During the week 18th to 22nd February 2019, a new wooden floor was laid in the hall at St Andrew’s, with new vinyl floors in the kitchen and cupboards. It looks fantastic and really improves the rooms.

Currently the stage is removed completely from the hall, which gives a lot more usable space. We’ll be reviewing how well this works over the coming weeks before deciding on the long term way forwards. The wooden floor in the hall has a slight give in it that we hope will be great for dancing.

Many thanks to all those who worked hard on 16th and 17th February to clear the rooms and on the 23rd February to get the rooms ready for use again.

Please help us to keep the new floors in good condition by:

  • Not wearing Stiletto or sharp shoes
  • Clearing up all spillages immediately
  • Making sure your shoes are clean and do not leave marks on the floor
  • Not dragging things across the floor