Contemporary Service for 25th April 2021

St Andrew’s and All Saints Online:

Our Contemporary Service for Sunday 25th April 2021.
Starting the new series “Promises of God” with “The Promise of Blessing
Reading: Numbers 6: 22-27
Led by Rev Dave Bruce with Rev Helen Wilkinson preaching.
We hope you enjoy the service. 

Young Families:

This week, following Easter, our children look at ‘Jesus is alive’. You can download our children’s resources (PDF file to download):

We’ve not got a young families video this week, but you might like to watch the Virtual Sunday school YouTube Channel instead by clicking here.

Coffee & Chat after the service

We’d love you to join us for ‘Coffee and Chat’ on Zoom after the service from 11:45 for St Andrew’s and 12:00 for All SaintsDetails of the chat calls are on our weekly mailing, or email for further details.

If you are a visitor and would like to find out more about St Andrew’s & All Saints…

We’d like to connect up with you and meet you. Do drop Dave our Rector an email at and introduce yourself to us.