New Wine from Home 2021


New Wine from Home – UNITED Breaks Out

Thursday July 29th – Tuesday August 3rd

Watch Dave and Helen Explain what is happening on their video here.

This year New Wine will be fully online again because of COVID, and the great news is that we’ve decided to run ‘New Wine at Home’ and show the main morning and evening meetings (offering our own prayer ministry) in our churches each day and invite you to come along and participate with us. We’ll mix between St Andrew’s and All Saints (to allow Christie Hornby to still have her wedding at St Andrew’s!) and we’ll invite people to stay after the morning session to have picnic lunch together, and after the evening session, we’ll invite people to bring drinks and a camping chair and we’ll sit out around fire pits (and pretend we’re camping!).

We’re also going to have a session in the morning for children (5-11) in the hall at St Andrew’s where we’ll show the New Wine Children’s videos and have lots of fun actiities for them to do as well. If you’d like your children to join in then please book them in with Helen Attree.

The full program for New Wine 2021 can be seen here.

You can watch the promotional video from New Wine here.

Thursday 29th July         7pm-8:45pm Evening Celebration (speaker Paul Harcourt) shown at St Andrew’s followed by late night socialising around the fire pits (bring your own drinks)

Friday 30th July               11am-12:45pm Morning meeting (speaker David Parker – The Challenge of Change – and Genelle Aldred – with children’s group in the hall ) shown at St Andrew’s followed by bring your own picnic lunch and we’ll eat outside afterwards

7pm – 8:45pm Evening Celebration (speaker Amy Orr Ewing) shown at All Saints – followed by late night socialising at the Railway Inn afterwards

Saturday 31st July          11am – 12:45pm Morning meeting (speakers David Parker – The Promise of Growth – and  KP Yohannan – with children’s group in the hall) shown at All Saints, followed by bring your own picnic lunch which we’ll eat on the common

7pm – 8:45pm Evening Celebration shown at St Andrew’s (speaker Katia Adams)  – no organised socials after this session

Sunday 1st August          10:30am We’ll have our Sunday service with our worship band and play the talk from the morning session (speaker David Parker – ‘Becoming Great through Serving’ Mark 10:42-45)  with children’s groups in the hall.  At St Andrew’s followed by bring your own picnic lunch

6pm Our Evening Service  where we will have our own worship band and show Francis Chan’s talk (from Saturday night in Impact venue)  at St Andrew’s, followed by late night socialising around the fire puts (bring your own drinks)

Monday 2nd August        11am-12:45pm  Morning session (speaker Jordan Seng – with children’s groups in the hall) shown at St Andrew’s followed by bring your own picnic lunch

7pm – 8:45pm  Evening Celebration (speaker Anu George) shown at St Andrew’s followed by late night socialising around fire pits (bring your own drinks)

Tuesday 3rd August        11am-12:45pm  Morning session (speaker Rich Wilson – with children’s groups in the hall) shown at St Andrew’s followed by bring your own picnic lunch

7pm – 8:45pm  Evening Celebration (speaker Agu Irukwu) shown at St Andrew’s followed by late night socialising around fire pits (bring your own drinks)


Do come and join us. It’s going to be great!