Beyond Bars

Our fantastic friends at 4Front Theatre Company are coming to St Andrew’s to put on this FREE show on Friday 5th April (for anyone aged 8+, but please note that this is not a children’s performance). It is their first performance of their Prison tour this year and it will be brilliant (as they always are!). And it is free (donations on the door if you wish). So book it in your diary and do come along!

Beyond Bars

2019. Karl is in prison and he needs to get out. It’s doing his head in and the only way he’s found to escape is by dreaming up unlikely schemes to break out. He’s angry and no-one seems to be able to calm him down – least of all the prison chaplain. Then, Si, a new cell mate arrives and everything changes because Si, knows some extraordinary stories that might just set Karl free –

51AD. Paul and Silas find themselves behind bars. The Philippian community are outraged at these troublemakers that have come to the city. Their jailer doesn’t want any trouble – one earthquake later and he soon finds that true freedom has nothing to do with bars.

These two stories, one ancient and one modern intertwine in a new play about prejudice, hope and forgiveness and what it means to be released…