We now have a CAP Debt Centre in Malvern that is able to help those in financial crisis, but most of us know someone who isn’t in crisis perhaps but could do with a little help managing money better. Might this even be you?
St Andrews is hosting a CAP Money Course during March – why not invite them along to this effective course that CAP have created to meet exactly this need – providing tips for how to manage your money better. Dates 7, 14 & 21 March, 10 am – 12pm – at St Andrew’s Church Centre. More information from Andy Lymer (treasurer@standrewsmalvern.uk) or Michael Jupe.
ALL are welcome. To download a PDF flyer for the course from this website please click here.
You can book a place for this free course on the sign up page on the CAP website by clicking here.
There is a good introduction video clip that shows more information about the CAP Money Course. Please click here to view the video clip and get more information on the CAP website.